Winery Locator by State Within the USA ™

    You are just one step away from locating wine, wines, a winery, wineries, vineyard or vineyards in any given state.  From the table below,  click on a state name to automatically begin your search.  Depending on your connection speed and the number of wineries in that state, your search results will be displayed in 3 to 30 seconds.  Scroll up and down the results page to find a winery or wineries of interest.  To print the entire state results page, click your browser's [PRINT] icon.   If a winery has a Home Page underlined in blue, click the hyperlink to open a new browser window to their site.  If a hyperlink is not working after multiple attempts, please click on this Broken Link Report to report the broken link, and we will notify the winery.  
    NOTE:  If you contact a winery by phone, e-mail, or in person, please let the winery know that you found them via AllAmericanWineries ™.  Both they and I will appreciate that information.  If you found this site beneficial to you, you can show your appreciation by clicking on the "Top 100 Wine Site" icon on our Home Page and giving us a 5-star rating.  Thank you!

"Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath, and a glass of wine" - St Thomas Aquinas
(see selected State Results pages for more wine quotations)

AK -Alaska HI - Hawaii ME - Maine NJ - New Jersey - NJ SD - South Dakota
AL - Alabama IA - Iowa MI - Michigan* NM - New Mexico* TN - Tennessee
AR - Arkansas ID - Idaho MN - Minnesota NV - Nevada TX - Texas*
AZ - Arizona IL - Illinois* MO - Missouri* NY - New York UT - Utah
CA - California* IN - Indiana MS - Mississippi OH - Ohio - OH* VA - Virginia
CO - Colorado* KS - Kansas MT - Montana OK - Oklahoma VT - Vermont
CT - Connecticut KY - Kentucky NC - North Carolina OR - Oregon* WA - Washington*
DE - Delaware LA - Louisiana ND - North Dakota PA - Pennsylvania WI - Wisconsin
FL - Florida MA - Massachusetts NE - Nebraska RI - Rhode Island - RI WV - West Virginia
GA - Georgia MD - Maryland NH - New Hampshire SC - South Carolina WY - Wyoming

*  - Denotes a Linked Directory Site
Note:  The District of Columbia has no wineries

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